Today Silly1337 griefed about a dozen of my jackolanterns that I have as a sort of property line. He claimed "They were just sitting there" What a joke.
Later in the day while the event surrounding Pieworld were going on I was log blocking away and found one count of griefing OG's wool chicken and one count of theft from the chest right by it. I guess Og didn't lock his chest? I don't know.
Either way I'll be watching this asshat very closely and I won't hesitate to jail him for a respectable amount of time upon any seeing any further offenses.
Moderators: Fabeth, Korthic, Nicolu, caldrin, Explodingboxes
Re: Silly1337
Also, I'd like to say that I know i've jailed two people already today (bedside and pieworld) and I really don't want to get a reputation for being a power hungry mongoloid so if I'm overstepping my bounds please let me know. Or if I'm being too harsh or not following proper procedures. (also let me know if im being too lenient, lol)