User: nathanvoltz
Staff: Countypo, Xeronaile, Korthic
Others: DrozKnight
Offense: Broke 15 iron blocks in the Cathedral.
Edit:As Korthic has said nathan also broke and replaced signs with inappropriate language in the Lost World.
Course of Action: Gave him a chance to replace the iron, he did so. Then after breaking some signs and replacing them with inappropriate language in the Lost World, was banned.
Notes: When Countypo saw him come online he thought nathan was banned a while ago because of the griefing of the Cathedral. Also this all happened a few days ago, the ban report is just late.
Moderators: Fabeth, Korthic, Nicolu, caldrin, Explodingboxes
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Re: nathanvoltz
In the lost world he also broke and replaced many signs with inapropriate language on all of them.
- I love Diamonds
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Re: nathanvoltz
He also robbed paragon, right?
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Re: nathanvoltz
Yes he did rob paragon.When he got online he asked to join a faction and paragon took him in. A few hours later he was caught taking items from the storage room chests of paragon and trading them off at the spawn with suspect that shall not be named. This was not in the edited report because it was not really a bannable offense, but inappropriate signs were.

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Re: nathanvoltz
he took all my 8 blocks of diamond 

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Re: nathanvoltz
I am really sorry for what i did. I did replace the iron blocks i broke and anyway i heard that lostworld was being discontinued from the server, so i hoped that because of this i was looking forward to being able to be unbanned and play on the server again. I miss this server and it was one of the best servers i've ever been on. If it would benifit the staff+to derank me back to a member or default and keep a close eye on me. I will behave much better if im allowed back onto Minecraft Junkie Server thank you for your time, please take this into consederation.
thanks, Nathanvoltz
thanks, Nathanvoltz
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- In Game Minecraft Name: Countypo
- Location: Houston, TX
Re: nathanvoltz
Droz, Korthic, and I have all agreed you should be unbanned. I unbanned you.