(in the video I will not talk, there will only be text)
Below I will make a text version of how the video will be shown
(note) Fly mod will be used in the making of this video, kommy has approved of it and will enable fly mod for a shortened time just for the making of this video and no other reasons except for that.
music-Viva la Vida by cold play
-Black screen, music starts, (TEXT) Looking for a dedicated, non griefed, 100% free, great server?
-(TEXT) Join Minecraftjunkie's server (zooms out from spawn area circling it showing off statues created by fabeth.
-(TEXT) trustworthy server with Big Brother plugin to find griefers and made for roll bakcs
(flys slowly past ryans parthenon)
-(TEXT) 99% Vanilla with great plugins such a MCMMO and Iconomy (Flys out of mossy cobblestone skull made by fabeth)
-(Text) Great community with a very active forum (Flys around cathedral then flys into)
-(Text) Seperate world made for complete PVP which includes Factions plugin (FLys around lost world showing off edgars castle along with kahns base and paragons hole XD)
-(Text) We include the Netherworld for access to all items of minecraft (fly around the hellish nether
-(Text) including the dreamworld for fun creations and the ability to use TNT (fly around in the crazy dreamworld)
-(Text) Come play some minecraft with us :3 (leaving the paragon castle)
So far that is all that I can think of to write down, do you guys think I should add more or just end the video like that saying (come join our amazing server) or should I put in more? thanks guys

Video is done!