Possible new Creative world?
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- Vip
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Possible new Creative world?
A few days ago I was wondering around the creative world trying to find a good place to build something like a castle when I realized, That it was pretty much filled up I was wondering around for a while and I still couldn't find a place to build my structure so I thought, hmm we have had this creative world for some time now, maybe it would be an idea to get a new one. When the 1.4 patch comes out you are able to change the surface of the world to different materials like sandstone for instance. Maybe we could get the amazing structures like the blimp world edited over. Thanks for reading, Kaos.
What song is that? DARUDE SANDSTORM!
Re: Possible new Creative world?
If we get things edited in I don't see why not besides the fact that everyone's going to want their stuff edited. Maybe a second one that's a flatworld?
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Re: Possible new Creative world?
I like the idea of a second cw, and would be good to make a custom super flat world. I think if we do this we should go something like the "cave" choice they have built in to the custom flat world.
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- Olav0509
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Re: Possible new Creative world?
This sounds good, the Creative World at the moment is really messy, a new world mabye with super-flat would be great! There is one thing I want, that is that all the structures that have been puttet alot of time into will be copyed into the new one. Its really going to be depressing for those who have used hours and days on their projects in creative just to be deleted.
Altso there is another thing to have in mind while making a new Creative World, as all AdvBuilders+ noticed in the current world is that the world looks totally strange, not pretty. Even there are alot of nice structures there, they are putted random all over the world which makes it look pretty ugly.
What I want to introduce is The CreativeWorld-Rules(CWR)! This will not be very strict rules, but strict enough to make our new world look good.
Another suggestion from me is different parts of the world used to different things like; "Dock to build boats here!" and "Plots for pixelart there!" etc. :]
Altso there is another thing to have in mind while making a new Creative World, as all AdvBuilders+ noticed in the current world is that the world looks totally strange, not pretty. Even there are alot of nice structures there, they are putted random all over the world which makes it look pretty ugly.
What I want to introduce is The CreativeWorld-Rules(CWR)! This will not be very strict rules, but strict enough to make our new world look good.
Another suggestion from me is different parts of the world used to different things like; "Dock to build boats here!" and "Plots for pixelart there!" etc. :]
[AdvBuilder] Whadunno out:

(Former names: Olav0509, TheManlyFork)

(Former names: Olav0509, TheManlyFork)
Re: Possible new Creative world?
I think thats fine how theres sections but a part of cw thats very nice is how you can have your own build zone where all your creations go. A sulution is we could have sections at the spawn and free build a certain amount of blocks away.
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-Rocky535 XD

-Rocky535 XD
Re: Possible new Creative world?

To keep this on topic, i think creative world is fine for the most part, maybe having a second flat creative world could be nice!
Last edited by maxse123 on Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

- Vip
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Re: Possible new Creative world?
I like what Rocky said, we can have areas around the spawn for certain thing then say 100-200 blocks away we can have free build. That way the world will look nicer and people will be able to keep all of there builds in one section.
Edit: Lol at Maxse's Panda.
Edit: Lol at Maxse's Panda.
What song is that? DARUDE SANDSTORM!
Re: Possible new Creative world?
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-Rocky535 XD

-Rocky535 XD
- FITZY_1212
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- Vip
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Re: Possible new Creative world?
Maybe if we add a new creative world map, we could try using the PlotMe plugin. It gives you a plot, which should be customizable by admin and if not its a pretty big plot anyway. Only the owner of the plot can build in it unless they give permission to another person. You can also change the biome of the plot to any biome you wish. Just a suggestion to keep the creative world cleaner.
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Officer of the MJPD
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