V.I.P Applications
Moderators: Fabeth, Korthic, Nicolu, caldrin, Explodingboxes
- I love Diamonds
- Posts: 494
- Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:42 pm
Re: V.I.P Applications
I like the idea of an always open application. Or maybe we could have a "So you want to be VIP" thread where we give tips, people say they want to be VIP, and we can help point them in the right direction, and maybe some staff can show them what we do as staff. I don't know, I'm just spewing they contents of my mind.
Re: V.I.P Applications
joshthelegodude wrote:maybe some staff can show them what we do as staff.
I think this can help people understand what they need to do as VIP a lot better than just saying. I would like to do this to help others too.

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Re: V.I.P Applications
I think that if it was up permenently then people would have a better chance. Like Korthic said if we were able to post it again every two months then there would be less of gap in between VIP apps also if it was up permenantly then we would be able to tell people what weve done like helping fix griefs and things along those lines.
What song is that? DARUDE SANDSTORM!
Re: V.I.P Applications
I like the idea of having them constantly open, it would give people who may or may not deserve it the chance to be noticed easier. Or a possible alternative might be they could open up more often, the last time they were up was almost 3 months ago, (on thursday). But having them constantly open with a gap in between writing a new one like a month or 2 would help people be heard and be noticed greatly.

Re: V.I.P Applications
If they are constantly up at least it will give us a chance to apply
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-Rocky535 XD

-Rocky535 XD
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Re: V.I.P Applications
Active VIP: Spleen52, Kolo57, ItsHazel, DancingJoe, EPhantomrocky535 wrote:Currently it seems that there are not many active vips on. Maybe 5 at most but there are times when no vips are on and no staff. There hasn't been many staff on the past few days and with only a few active vips it creates times when there are no VIP+ on. Also Xero, Korthic said that a way to help get VIP was being active on server, forums and mumble. I know in your openion it's not manditory but, that's what I was getting at yesterday.
InActive VIP: ItsJesus, Fraggles, Shh_Ima_Ninja16, AsianNinjaJ
Honorary VIP: Sabatheus, KeeperKiller
Active Staff: Nicolu, TheDoleking, Countypo, ExplodingBoxes, Drozknight
InActive Staff: Joshthelegodude, Xeronaile, Cutfishgo
Honorary Staff: Brandon539, Imodatlife, Votex09
Overlord: Caldrin
Active Staff: Korthic
Inactive Staff: Kommy000, FyrFyt, HeyItsPurplezz, Fabeth
Re: V.I.P Applications
Cutfish is on in the mornings, daily you just don't always see him
Also serina gave up her computer for lent and may start being more active now
Also serina gave up her computer for lent and may start being more active now

Re: V.I.P Applications
Cutfishgo is 5 Hours ahead of America, you should take him off that list.
I've seen him on a lot in the early mornings, and sometimes at 11 or 12PM
I've seen him on a lot in the early mornings, and sometimes at 11 or 12PM
Re: V.I.P Applications
I like Josh's idea of the So you want to be Vip Thread that would be pretty cool to be given suggestions on what you could do if you don't get it to improve your chance!

- I love Diamonds
- Posts: 494
- Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:42 pm
Re: V.I.P Applications
1. You called the admin staff
2. Purple is Overlord now. Remember when you got him demoted?
2. Purple is Overlord now. Remember when you got him demoted?