I have noticed some people think they have been mistreated, such as me and bedside are building a mansion in bedsides village, but paperx has been building a giant ship, he thinks we have griefed him because our mansion is being built next to his ship, now from what I can see we have not intersected his ship with our mansion, so I don't see what's wrong, so my suggestion is
Building a Court, for people to suing other people because they broke a rule, it may be a rule that is already there or maybe it's a rule that has never been upheld before, it could be for actual griefing cases or maybe just for show, I don't know, I think it would be a good idea, anyways
Good idea, but we could always just prosocute and ask them if they are online. If you feel we do need one (I think it would be cool) feel free to build one on your own time. If you need help, I'll gladly donate and help toward the project.
Griefing is going to result in a perm ban if they are idiotic defaults that did not read the rules, jailed if it was "I HUD NO WER 2 GO!!!11!!" and no court system.
Griefers grief to disrupt the community, that's why the team of staff (VIP+) is here to stop them.
We really don't need a court unless we're going to go into roleplaying seriously... For example we have the faction/heros world: Someone breaks into a house we can take the suspect to court/militia station or whatever and hold them there.
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I do like that idea in the faction world because if it's like the Lost World staff will not have lb.So we can gather evidence to convict someone and I'm sure Korthic or caldrin can act as judge while we find people for a jury, and this can be planned and take place over a few days.