What I've been up to.

Things "apparently" exist out side of minecraft. Yeah, we know, what?

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Yay, I found coal
Posts: 97
Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:14 am
In Game Minecraft Name: PMBFTW

What I've been up to.

Post by PMBFTW »

No, I'm not dead - quite the opposite actually. I don't know why but I felt like posting a little something something and maybe even receive some responses from some old friends. Anyways, my 3rd year in high school recently started up in August, and I've been occupied with that ever since. In addition to that, I've been playing tournament soccer (or football, whatever) as well as running cross country for school. I literally have no free time and what little I do goes to trying to get ahead in my classes. All in all though, It's so nostalgic hopping on these forums and posting anything. Let me know what some of you guys have been up to - I'd love to hear it! It's been a very long time.
Take it easy guys,
I wander if anyone remembers me, Kappa.
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