[CLOSED] VIP Application Archive [CLOSED]

Read the rules.Apply to join the server, Follow the format, and fill it out.

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Re: [OPEN] Apply to become VIP - April 22 - May 5th

Post by Chuckeely »

==Police Profile==
How Long Have You Been On MCJ: five 1/2 months
Postcount (At Time Of Application): two
Real-Life Friends On Server:none
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not): No/I do not know how to:3 :(
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times):once/because I was new and I stole from a chest-_- But I know better now:3
Do you like The Lion King:YES I DO <3

1. I think they are all good at doing it, but if I could, I would choose Kolo, I don't know why, but since I have to choose one, I just chose him for no reason-_- but he does a good job, thats for sure:D everyone else does too:) But I would to that job because it looks fun, and because I like to help people, and I just also like to do the /me commandXD

2. I would let people do that, and then I will take the punishment for them, because I am nice in that way;)

3. I can say "I am innocent, why would you do that?" and if they admit it is just because they dislike me, then I really am innocent, am I not? Even if they DO make me guilty, I can take it again-_-
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Re: [OPEN] Apply to become VIP - April 22 - May 5th

Post by habitat5000 »

hi my name is habitat5000 i am 12 years old and i know themineingduck skylordbrandin i like it harry
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Re: [OPEN] Apply to become VIP - April 22 - May 5th

Post by sdog_2000 »

Age: 12
Timezone: USA Eastern time
How Long Have You Been On MCJ: around 8 months
Postcount (At Time Of Application): I have 11 posts but plan to post more
Real-Life Friends On Server: vman75, wither719, justice3023, and Mugse2
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not): I don’t and I am not sure if my parents will let me
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times): No
Do you like The Lion King: yes it is one of my favorite Disney movies

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
I don’t really have anyone I Want to replace. Korthic is a person I haven’t seen ever so if it had to be someone maybe him.

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the VIP application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?
I don’t share my accounts with anyone but my little brother and he only plays single player. Even if he comes on he doesn’t know one bad word. If he does anything else he won’t play again and I will tell the staff what happened and take the ban without arguing knowing it was my fault for letting him play.

3. A week after becoming VIP and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?

I would tell a staff member and make sure they know and explain to them what is happening privately and I will take the ban If I have to and stop meanies who try to get innocent people banned.

Thank you for taking your time to read my application
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Re: [OPEN!!!] Applications for Police! Aug 8 - Aug 18

Post by goldhat52 »

Age: 16
Timezone: EST
How Long Have You Been On MCJ: Since july 13 2011
Postcount (At Time Of Application): 106
Real-Life Friends On Server: 0
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not): yes
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times): Never banned jailed 5
Do you like The Lion King: Hells to the yes!

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices: Countypo, Nicolu, explodingboxes, Caldavas,PMBFTW )

Although i have never really liked doing this question because all of our staff is very qualified and experienced i would have to choose PMBFTW (no offense to you pmb your awesome!) The reason i chose him is because in my time being with him in mumble i feel that sometimes his emotions get in the way of him doing his job whether that be getting mad at someone and going off at them in mumble or just over reacting to something that they do that can easily be dropped. I also feel that with any staff that has pvp is just a problem waiting to happen not because that particualar staff will cheat its because people will thing staff will cheat. Unfortunately thats all i can think off sorry guys! I think i would be would be better at him in this aspect because i never pvp and when i do i do it in designated areas

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?

For me this is a easy question considering that i don't really have any friends that play minecraft other than me but if this were to happen, ban me carry out the punishment to its full extent if i were stupid enough to leave minecraft running on this server (which i have before but will never happen again, little brothers right? lol) its my fault weather it was me behind the screen or not.

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?

Well first i would have to email kommy000 about this situation and the fact that a group of the most trusted people on the server are trying to ban someone. If i was not to hear something from kommy i would go to admin boxes. if i would get no response for boxes i would go to admin nico surely at least one of them would have to care and if that were not to work i would go directly to the forums although this is a last ditch effort because caldrin count and dole can all remove my post on the forums by a stroke of luck maybe someone important might see it.

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handling the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?

First off i would not confront them AT FIRST, what i would do is i would ask someone with vanish (staff+ to go
see if they really are and let them confirm that they are infact using x ray then i would confront the person.

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing?

I would like to be a police on the server because i want to get back to helping the people. I have seen many servers fall to bits in my time off from minecraft junkie because they had a terrible server staff and frankly i don't want to see this one fall.

thanks for taking the time to read my post-Spleen52
posting as goldhat52
Last edited by goldhat52 on Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [OPEN!!!] Applications for Police! Aug 8 - Aug 18

Post by Hotshotbuckiv »

Age: 15 (almost 16 )
Timezone : Eastern Atlantic
How Long I've Been on MCJ : About a month now
Postcount: August 7, 2013 3:20
Real Life Friends on Server : Sadly none i don't know the people in real life.
Do i have mumble? No i don't have mumble and i cant really get it i have strict parents who wouldn't let me otherwise i would have it.
have i ever been jailed or banned? Nope not once in this server or any other.
Do I like the lion king? Do i like it?... I LOOOVE IT!!

1. Pmb. Pmb is very inactive recently. If he's online he doesn't talk to the players and help them much if he's there he's just sitting there (it seems). When Pmb is on a mood and a new player asks questions ( some ask a lot ) he gets very annoyed very quickly and starts to be a bit mean.

2.I would be very sad in them and tell my/their parents or their older older sibling. I would tell the truth and if you guys don't believe me well, what am i supposed to do then so i would maybe argue a little if i'm really mad but otherwise well what can i do ill have to find another server if i get banned
but anyways now that i see this, I will not even tell my closest friend who plays minecraft.

3.I would try to tell kommy or anyone like nico to get the word out to the people who can ban
by /msg or telling when they're not online.Anyways I would do it secretly.

4. I would deal with the player by giving a jail or penalty (penalty by taking half of what they got with xray and burn it! Not keep.) and if its that bad maybe jail them . Not really confront them at first though then it would seem that i hate that player i would let other players ( i mean staff/admin ) know.

5. I would spend 10 % of the time playing/chatting and that stuff. 40% building,mining, etc.
50% Helping players, finding cheaters like xrayers. What interests me most is to help other players
with out them ignoring me easily.
--- Hotshotbuckiv
Last edited by Hotshotbuckiv on Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [OPEN!!!] Applications for Police! Aug 8 - Aug 18

Post by coolkid691 »

==Police Profile==
Age: 14
Timezone: GMT
How Long Have You Been On MCJ: About 10 months.
Postcount (At Time Of Application): 75
Real-Life Friends On Server: None sadly.
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not): Yes I do and I use it regularly.
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times): Yes 4 times, but they were all jokes on mumble.
Do you like The Lion King: Yes I do. (Dole and Cald made me watch it to see if i did)

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices: Countypo, Nicolu, explodingboxes, Caldavas,PMBFTW )

Out of the choices given i would have to chose Pmb, this is because since he acquired his rank he has become very inactive on the server, and when he does come on, he is on for around about 10mins so not really doing his job. When Pmb is on he does not really do his job as most of the time he is just either tping to either boxes or who ever happens to be on mumble at that current moment in time, The third reason is I think he can be quite disrespectful at times and if he is in a mood he tends to take it out on newer members when they break a small rule like using caps. I think I would better suited as when I am on junkie I am helping people quite a lot and with his position I would be able to help them alot more than I can at this current moment in time.

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?

This would never happen as I have no friends that play minecraft and wouldent know how to control the character, and I have no siblings who could do this crime. But if this was to happen I would try and prove that it was not me by giving as much evidence as I could by trying to prove that that is not how I act at all and that I had no reason to do all those crimes, but I would accept my punishment as I am aware that we punish by accounts and not the user of the account. If I was able to get back on the server i would apologize for all the wrong doing's and try to earn my respect back.

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?

If this was to happen which i'm sure it woulden't, I would try and persuade Caldrin, Count and Dole to not go through with the plan. But if they did decide to go through with it. I would inform Boxes/Nico, and give them as much evidence as I could of there plan to ban the member like screenshots if its in game but if they were talking about it over mumble I would record them using a recording program. Even if it did mean I would get demoted/banned, as it would be unfair on the poor member that had done nothing wrong, except annoying them a little to much.

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handing the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?

If I did believe someone was doing this I would try and gather evidence like check tunnels and take screenshot of the tunnels that lead to certain ores and log block screenshots with the evidence. Then I could then present the evidence I had found to a higher ranked member who could follow up on this better than I could, as they have lb tp and other commands that they could use to check up on someone who is suspected of using Xray and then leave it to them to confront the person and discuss with other staff members, like they normally do.

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing?

I would like to be police on Junkie as I am very helpful as it is, but I feel having the police rank, I would be able to help the people of Junkie a lot more, as if someone is doing something wrong I can punish them accordingly instead of grabbing someone of mumble to do so, which I have had to do before a couple of times before. And I would also like the fact that I could tp to defaults as it would allow me to help them easier as instead of walking to them i can just simply tp to them.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application.
Last edited by coolkid691 on Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:39 pm, edited 19 times in total.
I love Koalas & if your bored watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fu2DcHzokew

The lion king sucks!
Oh and so does cake!
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Re: [OPEN!!!] Applications for Police! Aug 8 - Aug 18

Post by Loisianna »

==Police Profile==
Age: 38
Timezone: Australian EST
How Long Have You Been On MCJ: Almost 1 month
Postcount (At Time Of Application): 4, although i have the forums open on my browser at all times and do read them often. Even if i am not posting i am reading :)
Real-Life Friends On Server: None
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not): Yes
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times): No
Do you like The Lion King: Very much so, went to the cinema 9 times to see it heh

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices: Countypo, Nicolu, explodingboxes, Caldavas,PMBFTW )

I find this question very tough to answer as every single staff member named is excellent at the job. If i really must choose one then i choose PMBFTW for the one and only reason is i have not seen them on the server as much as the others. Unfortunately if he doesn't get on much it does mean that he can't really moderate very well as you do need to be active to be effective when moderating.

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?

I would not appeal it as it would be my own fault for letting someone else use my account and i would deserve everything i got! However i would perhaps ask for a second chance to remain on the server just as a normal member with no authority, change my password and not tell a soul what it is. Also have the understanding that if a toe was put out of line again then i would be banned.

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?

I would not allow myself to be intimidated online by three bullies who are just out to get someone, I would tell someone in higher authority what was going on and make sure i collected screenshots of any threats made towards me by them and any other evidence available to me. No rank is worth keeping quiet over corrupt staff members.

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handing the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?

I would check out the suspected area and take screenshots as backup, i would ask the player about it and depending on their response either jail them until a more senior staff member is online or a ban with possible appeal if they either confess (unlikely) or it's very obvious it's x-ray use.

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing?

In every game i play online be it World of Warcraft, counter strike:source or MInecraft and i am part of a community, i like to do as much as physically possible to help out the owners/staff (with WoW i was a guild leader) I'm a strong believer in sharing the workload as the saying goes 'Many hands make light work' Very true! As for what do i think i will spend most of my time doing? Well helping new players on the server to find things, making people feel welcome and making sure to the best of my ability that the server runs smoothly and is an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read :)

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Re: [OPEN!!!] Applications for Police! Aug 8 - Aug 18

Post by McNally26 »

==Police Profile==
How Long Have You Been On MCJ: Almost 2 years
Postcount (At Time Of Application): About 4
Real-Life Friends On Server :Minerman, evzoz ,thechocolateguy,expectedermine,ironfist,machinama3,rigby27,hmachikas1,Shraggle,Trickshots,czragrey,rocheci,guitarmaniac
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not):Ido
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times):Jailed 4 Times for foulmouthing and pvping without pvp. Banned for xray
Do you like The Lion King:Yes

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices: Countypo, Nicolu, explodingboxes, Caldavas,PMBFTW )

I pick explodingboxes, I pick him because he always give an unfair trial to people. before they can defend them self its a ban or jail. I know this because I was jailed for 5 hours for tp killing. Countypo eventually talked to boxes and the jail was reduced to 15 minutes

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?

I would try to explain to the staff that it was a misunderstanding. I they werent taking it I would accept the punishment and change my password.

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?

I would Private message a staff on mumble or minecraft junkie website. If they know I told. I would take a demote. As long as I protected that poor member they're picking on.The aim of t
his job is to preotect innocent people.

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handing the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?

I would not confront them. I would wait till a staff comes on then I shall tell him, If he confirms than we shall know he was xraying. I would rather know he xrayed than of harrassed him and was wrong.

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing?

I would like to be a police to help out the community.I will expect to help loads of people, who feel they have been treated badly
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Re: [OPEN!!!] Applications for Police! Aug 8 - Aug 18

Post by erik_fuckscats »

Timezone:est im on for 5+ hours a day
How Long Have You Been On MCJ:19 days
Postcount (At Time Of Application):2
Real-Life Friends On Server:none :c
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not):i didnt know what it was till now but will install if nessecary
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times):i have not
Do you like The Lion King:movie was good Broadway show was better C:

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices: Countypo, Nicolu, Ephantom/Joe, explodingboxes, Caldrin, XlXDaltonXlX, Korthic)
: caldrin he jokes around and is not serious like others and smites people that hate cake.

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?
:i have a sister and she does not get on my computer but id post a picture of me shaming her. and apologize for my inconvenience.

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation? i would message nico and boxes because they are always attentive and on the job and i take screen shots of important stuff. Image
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Re: [OPEN!!!] Applications for Police! Aug 8 - Aug 18

Post by queen_cadaver »

Timezone: Central Time Zone
How Long Have You Been On MCJ: A year
Postcount (At Time Of Application): 3
Real-Life Friends On Server: MrNibbles (Aka Mio) and IntrepidAl
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not): Yes
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times): No
Do you like The Lion King: Only with my whole heart and soul

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices: Countypo, Nicolu, explodingboxes, Caldavas,PMBFTW )
I dont want to replace any of the staff , but if I had to I'd pick Nicolu. I kind of feel she is a little angry at times , uses words I don't think staff should use in game chat. Also she is not in game much. Other then that I think she is pretty nice.

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?

Well my brother used to use my account but now he has his own and I i have since change my pass word and I dont think he'd bother being on mine. But if he did I'd tell you guys in the forum what happened, I'd ask for him to get on his account and tell what he did.

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?

I'd email Kommy with the info , but I know most of the staff pretty well and I don't see them doing that. Or talk to Boxes.

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handing the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?

I know staff does random check ups on members to see what they are doing if I notice them mining in a line only to drop down on some good stuff a few times in a row , (which is a dead give away ) I'd ask them to see if they had been using it. Based on what they would say I'd take it from there rather to jail or banned them.

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing?
I am on the server a lot and I try to help defaults a lot (which seem to be the most troublesome to me. ) I'd like to keep the serve free of rude people that break the rules.

Thanks for taking the time to read my application.