Moderators: Fabeth, Korthic, Nicolu, caldrin, Explodingboxes
- Staff
- Posts: 246
- Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:05 pm
- In Game Minecraft Name: guitarmaniac004
- Location: Ireland, Meath
I'd like to know something about the donations. A while back I donated $15 to the server. If I were to donate something like another $15 would that mean that I get the perks when you get $30 or would it still be the same perks you would get at $15?
Does a set containing all sets contain itself?
- Vip
- Posts: 132
- Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:48 am
- In Game Minecraft Name: DoctorScurvy
Re: donations
And would it mean I can get an NPC of myself swimming in circles in spawn bay?
- Staff
- Posts: 246
- Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:05 pm
- In Game Minecraft Name: guitarmaniac004
- Location: Ireland, Meath
Re: donations
I would assume it gets added to your previous donation (or at least I hope)guitarmaniac004 wrote:I...I don't...ok?
Like A Boss!
-Rocky535 XD

-Rocky535 XD
Re: donations
I was just looking at the new donation perks and noticed this: $10 – Lower level perks plus, Two addition /homes (Totaling Three), Golden Chat color, and a Nickname. I have donated 15$ I believe and have the homes/golden chat but no nickname. Was wondering if I could get one because of this.

Re: donations
Donation perks will not be retroactive. So that we don't have to go back and try to keep track of them all.
Re: donations
That's quite a disincentive. Why don't we make donator ranks for fixed dollar amounts that we can promote people through? Like say every $10. Then, if they donate $20, they get promoted twice and if they later donate $20 more, get promoted twice more?
“The man who cannot believe his senses, and the man who cannot believe anything else, are both insane, but their insanity is proved not by any error in their argument, but by the manifest mistake of their whole lives."
G.K. Chesterton
G.K. Chesterton
Re: donations
iIf you donate $10 and then $10 later yes you'll be ranked to the $20 bracket. However, If you donated last year, You're not getting the NEW perks. Was more my point,
Re: donations
Well that kind of makes me not want to donate again as I was hoping on getting the nickname too as I donated above 10$. It doesn't seem fair to not give others that helped in the past the stuff that people are now getting for the same price.
Like A Boss!
-Rocky535 XD

-Rocky535 XD
Re: donations
So, If we instated a new rule tommorrow that you've broken 100 times over before it was a rule, means you can get punished for it when we instate it? Yeah no. Donations work the same way. What you donate from here on out gets your perks.