I especially, especially like what it does to glass. In my game, glass looks like this:
So the other day, my friend told me about a mod called Optifine. It makes void fog disappear, and adds all kinds of tweaks and features like Anti-aliasing and Anisotropic filtering. I love it, I really do. However, it makes my glass look like this:
which is quite depressing.
I've tried patching my jar file with MCPatcher and then using optifine to get the textures to connect. It has not worked. Then, I discovered the ability to inject Optifine directly into my Jar file using MCPatcher. I thought this would make the two blend better.
Words cannot express how wrong I was. So here's some more pictures.
For example, this following picture is actually just pure grass.
The following are before and after pairs, so you can get a feel of just how badly I screwed this up.
I think I accidentally the whole game...
And it's not just the texture pack. This is how glass looks on default:
Anyone have a better way to get these two mods to play nice, so I can have optifine with no void fog, but also MCpatcher's connected textures?