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Pvp Rule breaking?

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:01 pm
by MrScore
Hey I was just playing and ofc trying to keep up with the log. This Is just what It all seemed to me, Ask them for their story.
ZeroSkiIIeD and Keiranos started talking and Keiranos asked if he could see Zeros house, He also wrote something like this "Dont worry I wont kill you, Not allowed to Tp kill". He then went to see the house. After he saw the house He set his home, Went to his other home, relogged and then typed /home( to the home he had set) and then killed Zero. This went down in a matter of 4-5 minutes (that's what it seemed to me)

I confronted Keiranos and he said It wasnt against the rules because he had set his home (in Zeros house of What i can only assume) and that he had relogged.

He did give the stuff back But I dont think A rule breaking sould Be hidden from the staff So this is why Im reporting this.

I did manage to screencap some

Chatlog in order.

Re: Pvp Rule breaking?

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:15 pm
by Nicolu
This has been taken care of. All parties involved are aware of what was done wrong and to no do it again.