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[Closed!] Applications for Police! Aug 8 - Aug 18

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:39 pm
by Nicolu
Please please please read all the questions and requirements in full, some of changed. The Requirements are going to be strictly enforced this time around, so if you do not meet them, your application will not be considered!!

Requirements for becoming a Police:
+ Be active on the forums, ingame chat, and be able to log onto Mumble while playing. We like people who talk.
+ A good level of English: Typos are fine, second language is fine. 'ppl who r typin like dis or any1 simlar' are not.
+ Plays for at least 10 hours a week, preferably as much as possible. You WILL get removed from Police if you don't play often and contribute.
+ Friendly and helpful within the community. Knowledge of plugins and features is preferred but not essential.

1)You may NOT ask our staff team anything about you being promoted, unless they ask you first. Do NOT bother our staff team about your application. This thread is how you ask us if you can be Police. We will come to you afterwards if we are interested.
2)You are allowed to re-submit your application after two months or more have passed. Please quote your original application and its timestamp for our ease of navigation.
3)If you are accepted, this does not mean you are above ANY server rules. In fact you are held to a higher standard than other users. Breaking any rule can result in a demotion, kick or ban, depending on the severity.
4)Also, at anytime, you can and will be demoted if the staff team feels that you are not properly doing your job, or are not living up to the standard we hold you to. We are a self moderating staff team, and we do not tolerate abuse among our ranks.
5)When we are looking for staff members, we look at Police members before we look at regular users. Might come in handy some day.

By applying you realize:
1) Police is our lowest rank of our staff team, and will put you in a position of authority and power over all users below you. You must abide by the rules more closely than all of the other non-staff on our server, for you will now be the standard that users hold themselves to.
2) Being a member of the staff team does not mean you get to be respected more than any other user, or can punish users more harshly for breaking the rules against you. On Minecraft Junkie, all users are to treat all users with the same respect, regardless of rank. Staff are here to serve, not to be served.
3) Should you be chosen, you will most definitely run into problems while moderating. If you are having difficulty with understanding what to do, remember that you can contact any staff member to help you out. You don't have to lone wolf it. This isn't a job, it's community service, and with an online community you need all the help you can get.

You need to answer the following questions. Please answer them in full and spend some time on them. It's obvious when people only spend 5 minutes on their application and that's really not good enough. One sentence answers are a waste of your time.

==Police Profile==
How Long Have You Been On MCJ:
Postcount (At Time Of Application):
Real-Life Friends On Server:
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not):
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times):
Do you like The Lion King:

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices: Countypo, Nicolu, explodingboxes, Caldavas,PMBFTW )

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handing the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing?

Re: [OPEN!!!] Applications for Police! Aug 8 - Aug 18

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:56 pm
by Countypo

"Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position."