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BIG NEWS!!! Leukemia has a potential cure! Guess what it is.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:00 pm
by Gman325

You read that right. The thing that causes AIDS.

Doctors have used a modified version of the HIV virus to reprogram white blood cells to attack cancer tumors! So far the success rates are EXTREMELY high, with negligible side effects and no evidence of disease for years!

This XKCD comic came true after all.

See: ... /81247751/ ... Mi3-4PO2NM

They're not calling it a "cure" yet because it needs more extensive testing. But if this continues to be successful, it could mark an end to chemo, surgery and radiation treatment for cancer.

Re: BIG NEWS!!! Leukemia has a potential cure! Guess what it

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:36 pm
by joshthelegodude
Randall Munroe is never wrong.

Re: BIG NEWS!!! Leukemia has a potential cure! Guess what it

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:21 pm
by rocky535
I thought this was one of those adds at first lol, looks great :)

Re: BIG NEWS!!! Leukemia has a potential cure! Guess what it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:07 pm
by bfan1012
rocky535 wrote:I thought this was one of those adds at first lol, looks great :)
Lol, so did I. Sounds great, but I haven't heard anything about this, Leukemia is a cancer in children right? Or is it adults as well?

Re: BIG NEWS!!! Leukemia has a potential cure! Guess what it

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:22 pm
by Gman325
Leukemia is cancer of the blood cells. It often occurs in children, but occurs in adults too of any age. It's really nasty, because it pretty much affects your whole body at once.

The only treatment they've had up until now was to use Chemotherapy to kill off your bone marrow and transplant new bone marrow from a matched donor, assuming they could find one. The transplant procedure has a 20% mortality rate and if you do survive, you go through a MONTHS long process of rebuilding your immune system (since your bone marrow controls this). Which means you have to rediscover anything and everything you may be allergic to.

My friend's mom had this procedure done, and she's fine now years later. But it was very hard for them to go through. To think, all of that could be soon replaced with a single injection of treated blood cells.

Re: BIG NEWS!!! Leukemia has a potential cure! Guess what it

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:57 am
by Ez86
First: Good that they found a way to search a way to cure this plague
I really think that no one should play with DNA anyways, there is a reason why diseases come over us. NO i dont say it is gods will or anything but the system Life is a self regulating system. If a Predator kind of creatur population grows to much they eat nearly all foodanimals and die. Maybe extiction maybe just a reduction of the species. At Herbivore creatures the same. And there are more regulation methods in that system. So if a species is to over crowned the lifingspace goes nearly to zero and many creatures have to stuck together that causes dieseases wich regulate the population again. Now we are at the humanrace, we help our species even if theindividum isnt alone viable, is it cuz some kind of cancer wich is genetically inheritable or other diseases or disability. I am not a fashist or racist or something but as long we act that, although human but unnatural, the gen-pool of our population got more and more tainted and infact of that we got more and more irreparable failures or diseases. To play at least with geneticstructure of admittedly simple cellforms with uncertain consequences, sounds for me not realy like a fixxing of the main Problem. Offcourse i wish your friends mom luck and offcourse i dont wish anyone a bad destiny but they should think about the main reason of all our problems before they play with toys wich can causes more death than the reason of the game

some example:
If you got a Sheepfarm or Chicken and some animals got sick like the last time in Europe, you would kill all sick, tainted animals and just to be sure evry animal wich had contect to the sick or tainted or? And now a philosophic question, where is the difference between animals and us? Do you guys realy think that u are more worth than other Creatures? If you i just have to say that other creatures arent so stupid to kill each other just for fun or destroy their Livingplace ireparable ;)

thanks for your attention