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1.4 update

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:08 pm
by Kommy
Hey guys, main server now updated to 1.4.
Of course most of plugins and bukkit are in developers edition so there will be bugs.
Upcoming changes

WE will have to switch from iconomy plugin pretty soon since its a dead plugin.
Also falsebook is dead too, so we will have to switch to craftbook very soon.
So your gates bridges might not transfer so you will have to redo signs for those probably, though Im not sure.

I will also import the temp world and probably will make a vanilla world where everything goes, so no complaints if you in it.
That is all I could thing right about now.

Re: 1.4 update

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:28 pm
by bfan1012
Awesome, I will be getting on shortly. Also, expect things to have to update again. Jeb has said they will be releasing a 1.4.3, but now they have found more bugs, and will have to do a 1.4.4. The pre-release will come out later today or tomorrow.

Re: 1.4 update

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:01 pm
by Gman325
At least it's just bug fixes.

Also, have you guys looked into Towny at all? I found it much easier to use than res. Though it's a bit less precise. You can tele to anyone's town if you know the name, you can have outposts which give you multiple /home options, and it claims all squares above and below your claimed areas, so mines would become protected as well. It's easy to add people to your town, which grants them permission to build on protected land. It would basically mean an end to 90% of all the griefing you guys deal with.

Re: 1.4 update

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:27 pm
by XlXDaltonXlX
Towny is an incredibly... tedious program for compatibility issues. I have worked with it once before and it is a nice program unfortunately it does not place nicely with multiple worlds(like we have on junkie) as well as some of the other plugins we use. I'll look to see if they have changed that but the developer seemed to be a bit arrogant and we are unlikely to change.

Re: 1.4 update

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:26 pm
by graystan21
Happy that the world is back. I did find one bug to bring up, /home bed is not working for me, just to put it out there. By the way, I can still go to each of my other homes.