Minecraft Forum Signature
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:29 am
I noticed that the current sig is a little outdated. I made it pretty much a year ago. I it should be changed.
Old sig looks like this:

Pretty meh.
So I decided to try to do something different with my free time. I went for something a little more modern looking. There are 2 different styles (with a syringe and without a syringe) and there are 4 different colors (Orange, Blue, Purple, and Red).
Blue w/Syringe:

Blue w/o Syringe:

Red w/Syringe:

Red w/o Syringe:

Purple w/Syringe:

Purple w/o Syringe:

Orange w/Syringe:

Orange w/o Syringe:

PLEASE Give me some feedback! Anything from colors to text placement, anything at all. If you want to change stuff yourself the .psd files can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/?a167cvw8hu6l1ed
EDIT: When using this as a sig on the forums, make sure to use this code soit link to the junkie site! Just remember to replace PLACEHOLDER with the image you like most.
Old sig looks like this:

Pretty meh.
So I decided to try to do something different with my free time. I went for something a little more modern looking. There are 2 different styles (with a syringe and without a syringe) and there are 4 different colors (Orange, Blue, Purple, and Red).
Blue w/Syringe:

Blue w/o Syringe:

Red w/Syringe:

Red w/o Syringe:

Purple w/Syringe:

Purple w/o Syringe:

Orange w/Syringe:

Orange w/o Syringe:

PLEASE Give me some feedback! Anything from colors to text placement, anything at all. If you want to change stuff yourself the .psd files can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/?a167cvw8hu6l1ed
EDIT: When using this as a sig on the forums, make sure to use this code soit link to the junkie site! Just remember to replace PLACEHOLDER with the image you like most.
Code: Select all
[color=#000][size=3][b]Server:[/b] play.minecraftjunkie.com:25565 [b]Mumble: [/b]talk.minecraftjunkie.com:31202[/size][/color]