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tekkera {Temp]

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:39 pm
by Explodingboxes
User:member tekkera

staff: explodingboxes VIP ilijesus

offence: griefed into ironmikepoke's house and stole quite a few things
he then lied to me about something

CoA: temp banned for 6 hours

i went with the ban because that basically is what a 6 hour jail would be.

Re: tekkera {Temp]

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 12:06 am
by Bane_of_Endermen
Wait, why do we have jails in the first place, just like a temp ban would be good...

Re: tekkera {Temp]

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 3:35 am
by DrozKnight
Jailing is to basically stop people in the act of grief or to get their attention. Also if they are still on the server then we can talk to them if they knew they were griefing, why they did it, ect. to decide wheather they are perma ban worthy. If they deserve a long jail they may just complain and continuously pop in and out to see if they are unjailed. Additionally having to take someone off the without a warning or saying it's only for a few minutes they may think it's a perma ban and possibly leave the server or complain on the forums.