Moderators: Fabeth, Korthic, Nicolu, caldrin, Explodingboxes
Re: Mods.
Yeah I think a mod or two would be great. Planes are great for flying places and a pvp air arena would be boss. If there are gonna be any mods added make sure it will not cause any problems.
Like A Boss!
-Rocky535 XD

-Rocky535 XD
- TorchDeleter
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Re: Mods.
Ok Airplanes are a good idea but there is one isseu.
Like you might have seen on youtube its possible to put in mods from singleplayer,
like More Creatures ans Weirdos.
But it made servers pretty laggy maybe we have to wait untill the programm for it is more advanced so it can be on a normal multiplayer server like Junkie.
iAgree (lol Apple) to the Airplane mod al wouldt it be a little bit weird with all the airplane guns.
Like you might have seen on youtube its possible to put in mods from singleplayer,
like More Creatures ans Weirdos.
But it made servers pretty laggy maybe we have to wait untill the programm for it is more advanced so it can be on a normal multiplayer server like Junkie.
iAgree (lol Apple) to the Airplane mod al wouldt it be a little bit weird with all the airplane guns.
- Vip
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Re: Mods.
I remember Korthic talking about the "heros" plugin. i also heard this would have classes. but lots of people wants to keep MCMMO, i like it as well, with its useful features such as dimomds from excavation. So if it is compatible with our other mods would it be possible to have both?

What song is that? DARUDE SANDSTORM!
Re: Mods.
Mods.. oh mods. They are pretty much impossible for servers to have to sustain 10 people on. We will most likely lose half the members, it would not really be worth it because it causes lag, and is client side.
In game name: xben918x
In game name: xben918x
How about Wizardcraft Mod?
How about WizardCraft?It would be cool.Using staffs to play pranks or explore!Or Zombie Hunt,I agree with planes,and mabye More Creeps And Wierdos Mod? it would be epic.
- Kommy
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Re: Mods. is the thing. Spout is now automatic with bukkit. So now we can implement some big RPG or MMO type of mods that change appearance of the game, music and so on. But and thats a big but, people would need to download modded client for them to see those changes.
People that do not download the client and use default , will not. So is it worth it? Don't know.
The best thing would be to wait, till they implement with the API released, mods that automatically upload themselves to the gamer when they connect to the server.
That would be awesome...
People that do not download the client and use default , will not. So is it worth it? Don't know.
The best thing would be to wait, till they implement with the API released, mods that automatically upload themselves to the gamer when they connect to the server.
That would be awesome...
I will crash you… Like we crashed capitalism…
Anyway… tech, geek, fps fanatic and now Minecraft junkie.
Anyway… tech, geek, fps fanatic and now Minecraft junkie.
- Vip
- Posts: 192
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- In Game Minecraft Name: kaos1559
- Location: Canada Eh
Re: Mods.
I think we should get the Equvilant Exchange mod i used that mod for like a billon years and still think its the best.
the mod link ... ange-v573/
as it says in the forum its planed and when it come out i say... I WANTS IT
the mod link ... ange-v573/
as it says in the forum its planed and when it come out i say... I WANTS IT

What song is that? DARUDE SANDSTORM!
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Re: Mods.
I love Equivalent Exchange to death, but it has lots of End-Game weapons and tools that would lag the server to popsicles and everyone would have to download the clientside mod as well, removing a lot of our new members.