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Re: Cauldron Recipes

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:47 pm
by DrozKnight
I was thinking of a way to remove gunpowder from filling up chests.

6 (or 9) gunpowder= 1 iron ingot


3 string + 1 slime ball = 1 cobweb

Re: Cauldron Recipes

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:25 pm
by BigPapi
Hello guys here is another cauldron recipe to make netherrack.

Red Rose+2 Cobblestone+White Wool

Hope you enjoy!


Re: Cauldron Recipes

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:37 pm
by Korthic
Here is an updated one I made and tested today. Kommy can you replace this with the current set. I made a few changes/fixes and added a few more suggested recipes.
2 Seeds = 1 Yellow Dandelion
4 Seeds = 1 Rose
4 Seeds + 2 Orange Dye = 1 Pumpkin
1 Seed + 1 Sapling + 1 Rose = 1 Apple
2 Seeds + 2 Redstone = 1 Red Mushroom
2 Seeds + 2 Gravel = 1 Brown Mushroom
2 Wheat + 2 Seeds + 2 Sapling = 1 Leaves
4 Redstone + 4 Cobblestone = 1 Brick Block
2 Leather + 2 Black Wool + 2 Gold ingot = Gold Music Disc
2 Leather + 2 Black Wool + 2 Lime Green Dye = Green Music Disc
2 Gravel + 2 dirt = 2 Coal
64 Cobblestone + 8 Coal = 64 Smooth Stone
3 Snow Blocks = 10 Snow
2 Snowballs + 2 Lime Green Dye = 2 Slime Balls
1 Water Bucket + 2 Yellow Dye + 2 Black Wool = 2 Sponge
1 Wooden Door + 1 Stone Axe = 1 Half Door
64 Sand + 8 Coal = 64 Glass
2 Dirt + 1 Seed = 1 Grass
1 Lava Bucket + 1 Iron Helmet + 2 Gunpowder = 1 Chainmail Helmet
1 Lava Bucket + 1 Iron Chestplate + 2 Gunpowder = 1 Chainmail Chestplate
1 Lava Bucket + 1 Iron Leggings + 2 Gunpowder = 1 Chainmail Leggings
1 Lava Bucket + 1 Iron Boots + 2 Gunpowder = 1 Chainmail Boots
64 Cactus = 32 Wheat
32 Wheat = 16 Seeds

Code: Select all

Red Mushroom;2*295,2*331;1*40
Brown Mushroom;2*295,2*13;1*39
Brick Block;4*331,4*4;1*45
Gold Music Disc;2*334,2*35:15,2*266;1*2256
Green Music Disc;2*334,2*35:15,2*351:10;1*2257
Smooth Stone;64*4,8*263;64*1
Half Door;1*324,1*275;1*64
Chainmail Helmet;1*327,1*306,2*289;1*302
Chainmail Chestplate;1*327,1*307,2*289;1*303
Chainmail Leggings;1*327,1*308,2*289;1*304
Chainmail Boots;1*327,1*309,2*289;1*305

Re: Cauldron Recipes

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:09 pm
by Kommy
cool thanks. Will work on it this weekend, got to put my ceiling or most of it back up before that, lol.

Re: Cauldron Recipes

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:15 pm
by joshthelegodude
remember korthic, make it the recipies compatable with charcoal too

Re: Cauldron Recipes

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:58 pm
by Korthic
joshthelegodude wrote:remember korthic, make it the recipies compatable with charcoal too
Hmm how about I make one that can convert charcoal to coal? That would be easier to handle.

Re: Cauldron Recipes

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:30 pm
by Korthic
Some recipes may not make what they are supposed to make (Pumpkins & mushrooms). We may need to wait for an upgrade to falsebook to fix the issue. The only other way to fix them would be to redo those recipes with different ingredients.

Re: Cauldron Recipes

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:19 pm
by Xeronaile
A crowbar, a pumpkin, and a banana=GORDON FREEMAN! :D

Re: Cauldron Recipes

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:04 am
by roguesentinel

Re: Cauldron Recipes

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:30 am
by shazmani
Hi… that was great stuff..

Arabic Paratha Recipes