Server coruption, Powerabuse and childness
Moderators: Fabeth, Korthic, Nicolu, caldrin, Explodingboxes
Re: Server coruption, Powerabuse and childness
If Bane said he would stick a knife in his throat because he didn't get givebacks, there's something wrong with him. This is one of the worst cases of PvP drama I have ever seen, and most likely is the worst. This has left us with pretty much two of our players leaving over this dispute, and I don't want to have it wrecking our reputation, which used to run crystal clear.
Re: Server coruption, Powerabuse and childness
i dont understand what you wrote Xero, not at all. But if you think that i going my way and tell everybody i see is playing MC that ive been unlucky or that mcj isnt good, I can reassure you that i am not a dick who did it.
Re: Server coruption, Powerabuse and childness
maybe true or not, i thought he where 15. But ok. I excuse my self for it i just wrote it because in another Threat he said again and again that he dont wonder that bane called fuck you to me untill i wrote him Cooowwwwaaaaarrrrdddd. But i just started the reoffence after he said fuck you and i looks like kolo wont understand it.maxse123 wrote:Ez, that remark about kolo was unnecessary kolo is one of our more mature players, i don't know what problems you may have with him but please, age does not really matter, alot of our Vip's are not that old really, this is a community of gamers, doing what we love, Playing minecraft. How old do you think I am? please respond with your guess.
But really, please refrain from using age as a insult, we can't control it. kolo may be younger then you, but he is as mature as me, sometimes
But know i wanna end this disscusion, im realy pissed that allways i get abused with calles like liar, thief, hacker if i killed someone. Specialy if the one who pissed me of recived a security from staff only cuz he got Mental Problems....if its True. Realy i dont wanna disturbe you with my life story but i know situations like that, my sister was almost raped by a mental and other disabled guy... and I get jailed for 5 weeks at a youthjail only cuz i beat him of my sis. He recived less than nothing. I where forced to leave my school cuz someone with a face disability hides behind that disability and tryied to bully me, i was young and punched him for that. Thats the main reason for it. But its ok i calm down, and do a while other things till i be calms wnought. If not so you where released from my mad presence at all.
Sry for that
Re: Server coruption, Powerabuse and childness
I did notice what bane said. Bane should not be using those words AT ALL. As well you should not be using words like "coward". Yes what Bane said was much worse. You still both called each other cruel words. May I ask why Bane said that to you?
By The Way, I am 12, not 15.
By The Way, I am 12, not 15.

Re: Server coruption, Powerabuse and childness
I am very sorry what happened to you Ez and your sister. That must have been a very tough time in your life.