Police Applications! [7/23 - 7/31]

Read the rules.Apply to join the server, Follow the format, and fill it out.

Moderators: Fabeth, Korthic, Nicolu, caldrin, Explodingboxes

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Re: Police Applications! [7/23 - 7/31]

Post by harrietdawe »

Age: 18
Timezone: GMT
How Long Have You Been On MCJ:1 year 2 months
Postcount (At Time Of Application):0
Real-Life Friends On Server: dawe4321
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not): yes
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times): no
Do you like The Lion King: yes, ''oh i just can't wait to be poliiiiice!'' (8)

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices:Coolkid(Jorden), Ephantom, Caldavas, or Explodingboxes)
Ephantom because i see him the least online whereas the others i see frequently. I'd be better because I'm on a lot and i have had previous experience.

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this? I would take full responsability and accept demotion

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation? try and screenshot or get evidence in any other way and show it to someone else

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handing the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?tell a higher staff member

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing? helping others and having responsability over something interests me.

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Minecraft what??
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Re: Police Applications! [7/23 - 7/31]

Post by KrunktheDrunk »

==Police Profile==
Timezone: EST
How Long Have You Been On MCJ: Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:35 pm
Postcount (At Time Of Application): 0 "I lurk =P"
Real-Life Friends On Server: McWhackin since he is the only one in South Carolina
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not): No. Cat I had long ago ate the wiring to my mic and I never replaced it. Same cat puked a hairball into my router which I had to replace. I HATE CATS!
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times): No
Do you like The Lion King: No because I'm stupaaad.

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices:Coolkid(Jorden), Ephantom, Caldavas, or Explodingboxes)

I only replace people who don't do their jobs. As far as I know they do their jobs at this time. If they stop then I would give them the axe blunt end first.

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?

I lock my PC when not in use due to small kids in the house who like to mash buttons and 6 years of Airforce time where ppl would troll you unmercifully if you left an open terminal. Not likely to happen but if it did there would be a short sharp beating of the offending party and an apology video to be posted to the ban forums by the offender. Hopefully that would demonstrate I don't deserve a perm ban.

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?

Tell them to quit being a bunch of women and talk to the annoying guy. Handle your business up front and things will often get resolved to everyone's satisfaction. Maybe the guy has just never been told what an annoying prick is he is. If that fails there is always the mute command.

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handing the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?

Go invisible and follow the guy. If he digs odd angled shafts for diamond ect that are not visible. Confront the guy. If he doesn't answer to my satisfaction temp ban/jail and put him under probationary survellance. Repeat offenses will result in ban after mandatory trolling and possible death by firing squad to see him on his way. Nothing says you are in deep doo doo like an armed mob. I like it when they cry and beg. *EVIL GRIN*

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing?

I view it as community service. I don't like drama but someone has to enforce the rules. I was asked to serve so I posted an app.
I am interested in building things mostly. I like to build large structures and redstone machines that churn out massive amounts of whatever I need. I will continue to do so till my corner of the world looks like a major city/industrial sector. I will also probably try to recruit some people to live in said area and assist with builds and work the farms and factorys now that it is developed. I also like killing anything from the back of a fast horse with a bow. I have a good hunting area next to Krunk Inc that is open to all.
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Re: Police Applications! [7/23 - 7/31]

Post by rocheci »

==Police Profile==
Age: 16
Timezone: GMT
How Long Have You Been On MCJ: 3 and a half years
Postcount (At Time Of Application): 54
Real-Life Friends On Server: Evzoz, Rigby, McNally, BenneyG12, renegade2k12, guitarmaniac(kinda ;)), Machinama, Shraggle, Hmachicas, I know a few others but they havn't played in a while so I won't count them.
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not): Yes, I've got mumble.
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times): Yes, I've been banned before; using 3rd party mods, accepting duplicated items.
Do you like The Lion King: I personally think the lion king is over rated and I do not like it, 6yr old rocheci was afraid of the hyena's so that's why I never really liked the movie to start with.

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices:Coolkid(Jorden), Ephantom, Caldavas, or Explodingboxes)

*Do not take offence, use this as a chance to improve yourself.*

I would replace coolkid;

1.He is often online but AFK, I see players literally spamming him for help and he won't even budge.
2.I personally think he is quite immature and could improve his vocabulary instead of swearing.
3.Tping to players to "play" with them.
-During the week he tped to me and in /vanish kept dumping lava on me while I was trying to build, although I was laughing in mumble or what not I was truly pissed off. He disrupted me and it was quite rude.

Why I think I could be better than him? Fact: I am better than no body in anyway shape or form; No one is better than anyone else. Inequality is horrible, considered bullying, I do not want to be associated with that.

I do on the other hand think I could use Jordens powers a little wiser. Maybe not be as happy to use them when bored. I know that sounds simple but knowing when to use a command that might get you a giggle and them a cry and not to use said command is huge! It makes someone feel vulnerable and unsafe. I would always think of the outcomes before making an serious mistake or acting on a thought. Having a reason for something makes it slightly more bearable to comprehend and defend. If you have a suitable reason for your action there should be no trouble in the first place.

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?

I would apologize to all players effected by my ignorance and stupidity to not keep my account safe, and by that not keeping players safe. I take full blame and responsibility for the actions portrayed by my account, if even possible compensate in anyway that I could. I would accept my punishment to the fullest, even if that meant demotion or even ban.
Thankfully; I share this account with NO ONE, I change the password often too.

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?

Depending on where I even get the knowledge of this event, if in chat; screenshot and send that to another staff member with more power or who others may trust more than me, keeping in mind I am new and you may think I'm just looking for something to prove myself even. If it's on mumble, there are many programs allowing the user to record sound, mumble even has an inbuilt one. Getting a recording of this is good enough proof for anyone. Showing Boxes or Nicolu this would be sufficient.

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handing the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?

I would if possible tp to them and try get proof, by log blocking and screenshot, I am familiar with this mod and I know how easy it is to spot an xray tunnel, so finding proof of this I'd them either post the screenshots on the junkie staff forum or upload it to imgur and private message a staff on mumble to get their opinion, sending them the link.

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing?

What interests me the most is building, I love building and I spend most of my time on junkie building. I know how devastating it is to log on in a good mood ready to get down to business and build your 1:1 replica of your house in minecraft and seeing that half of it is gone! Someone has come on and decided they needed your material more than you do. And you don't know who did it, you don't know what they did with your blocks and you don't know if you can even get them back!

I in this case, if accepted for police, would like to help this poor builder. By finding out who ruined their day, by if possible retrieving their valuables and dealing justice to the griefing criminal.

I also appreciate respectful chat and playing conduit, so if possible if any disturbances in this play I would like to assist. If there is any flaming or insulting going on in chat, and feuds or wars over something.

I would like to help out and try sort out the issue. By either making peace or at least a compromise.
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Re: Police Applications! [7/23 - 7/31]

Post by h8r3dn3x »

**Police Profile**
Age: 17
Timezone: UTC 10:00 Hawaiian-Aleutian TZ
How Long Have You Been On MCJ: One year one month
Postcount (At Time Of Application): 10
Real-Life Friends On Server: 2; SunyFree and ILoatheR3dnecks
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not): Yes
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times): Never have I been jailed/banned
Do you like The Lion King: Only the first one! (and maybe the second one)

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices: Nicolu, explodingboxes, Countypo, Coolkid [Jorden], Miniguns, Caldavas [Cakedavas] )[Inactivity is NOT a valid reason]

The staff on MCJ do a great job, that is why I have stuck with this server for all this time. However, if I were to replace one member, I would replace Countypo on the given reasons:

Count sometimes spams the chat log and it is confusing when you are talking to another person at the same time.

There have been one instance where my farm animals were killed and the paperx helped resolve the problem. Count was in a tree just watching and not saying anything. He then fished from the nearby lake. I felt that being in a CM role, he would have a bigger input in the griefing resolution, rather than just casting a line where paperx was helping me.

Sometimes he is inactive/afk online. I know this is a cop-out and I should avoid this, but as a person in a position of power, I believe when you are on, you should be actively helping members with their problems. I have seen non-veteran members ask if there is a admin online and Count would be afk.

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?

Going by the knowledge that players are banned on an account basis, I plan to apologize for the inconvenience I have caused the staff members. Because I was police and am held to a higher regard than others, it was my responsibility to prevent the unauthorized log-in to my account. Before I go off tangent, I would say that I would accept the punishment that is handed down by the higher-ups.

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?

I would first gather the information that a conspiracy to oust a player is actually happening. After the necessary screenshots and recordings are done, I would go to the staff higher than them (Nico, K0mmy, ExplodingBoxes) and report my findings. Due to me being a green horn, I hope they will take me seriously and do their own investigation in the plot. I would not do my own investigation without consulting the other staff members.

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handing the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?

I would first see if they are actually xraying or if they are finding gems on luck. Fortunately, xraying has a very tell-tale pattern and it is not difficult to spot who is xraying. I would first follow the person around to see if they are doing it in the act, then I would then proceed to flag down my superiors for help in dealing out a consequence.

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing?

I would like to police on this server because I am usually on when other higher staff members/police are not. Being in the middle of the pacific ocean, it is not uncommon to see less than 5 members online at the same time whenever I go on. From my personal experience, these times are when new members join and and I would like to inform them of my presence and MCJ rules. Of course, I will be there to help and assist them in whatever they need. Usually, DocScurvy is online at this time but I have not seen my buddy recently. If I were chosen, I would continue to do what I would usually do, which would consist of farming, building, or helping others. By being a police, nothing would really change on my part, except for crime fighting ;)