Editted by Management
Moderators: Fabeth, Korthic, Nicolu, caldrin, Explodingboxes
- bfan1012
- Vip
- Posts: 119
- Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:42 pm
- In Game Minecraft Name: bfan1012
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Re: Silvershadow needs some punishment
I would suggest that if you feel someone needs a punishment, you should PM a staff member, and not post it on the forums. I do agree that he deserves a punishment, but it should not be on the public forum. The same goes for your other topic you created.
Re: Silvershadow needs some punishment
EZ, You need to send messages to staff+ In a PRIVATE manner. Not blast people all over the forums.
Re: Editted by Management
U guys are so ridicoulus XD I would laugh much if that wasnt that sad here. I get called gay and Nazi, at every time a vip was online specialy at silvershadows fault a vip who is his real life firend and nothing happened. At least ermine was muted and tried to evade it by using trickshots account. And now u remove the evidence of their faults? I really guess i know why i shouldnt post it public but i ambequiet about it, its a great bullshit with the punishments here. Someone griefed and get jailed, anotherone did less than this guy and get banned? What is this? As long as u dont make a clear rule compendium even with punishments listed for it you are not able to say that u are fair. The greatest issue here is the ,,he/she is my friend so i close one eye and warn him/her per pm,, I could blame more than 40% off u for that acting even with examples when u act like that but i dont do it, as long as i am online i just collect evidences for now. Its pretty ridicoulus. Last time i was called from rockinrange/rage idk ... german fuck and u guys instand temp ban him for that, i posted the evidence too and nothing happened, no one removed the pic or said i have to pm that, u all where so sorry for that and excused for that issue. Now what? Evidence removed and similar things. If i recived a rulebreaking like namecalling or tp kill like last time i have to yell for justice, but if i make a tiny bit wrong because i didnt know like using the relog glitch, someone tped at my base and put a cprivaced sign at my wall with a note that i dont use it again? Serious if i am disliked just say it and ask politly if i mind to leave the server but stop that wiered and ridicoulus obvisouly campaing to make me mad thats childish and easy to overview
And just for example, no i dont want start that again, at the fight between me and bane we post many screens and no one yells about it, and everyone told us to write a report if something gone wrong. Next issue is that everytime i am in trouble for anything Caldrin or someone else intervent and blames me life at chat on server right in public. Even the punishment? Whats that? Somekind of public execution? Ill give u guys a nice and friendly chance to be free from my presents. Make a post/vote who wants me to leave if u reach 90% from all users i am away ok? Serious it dont looks like but i have much better things to do than anoy my self around with that kind of ridicoulus acting.

- Staff
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- Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:42 pm
- In Game Minecraft Name: Countypo
- Location: Houston, TX
Re: Editted by Management
Ez, basically what everyone's trying to say politely is we want you to shut the hell up and stop with these forum posts. They're escalating the problem past what it was, and it doesn't make solving them any easier because it makes you MORE of the bad guy in the situation. Private message Boxes or Nico, contact a staff member in-game, or come onto Mumble where you can actually speak to us and present your screenshots/argument there. Doing it publicly is only irritating everyone, rehashing an already-had argument ingame, and honestly I really don't think it's good for your blood pressure.
Re: Editted by Management
i did it several times and nothing happened, i just got a ,,dont ask for what we think to do,, or ,,oh i forgot but now he is allready banned for other things,, answer. And yes, i agree its realy not good for my bloodpressure or even my mentaly health or better my rage instinct. I really dont want to make a post and i really dont want to make trouble or get involved in somekind of it. And, honestly the last yelling at Forums ever from me i promiss, I am not the only one who feels like that i am just the idiot who comunicated it, just to say. And now i just read at forums for now, think its better for me. Not cuz of fear for results just to calm down. But i serious dont need to hear anytime later ,,why dont you say anything about the issues,, but i guess i wont hear it or similar things
So sorry for disturbing and have a nice day 
bye bye

bye bye
Re: Editted by Management
You wanna make this public, okay.
I removed these posts so they didn't cause a public outrage. It's gotten over the top with you EZ, every week you've got another person pissed off beyond reason. Everytime we go back and look at the logs, you've started this nonsense. Our staff team is tired of dealing with it. And on top of that, the policy has ALWAYS been to send a PM to staff if you're having issues with someone and the VIP arn't taking care of it. It's getting out of hand. I really think you should consider not interacting with people who arn't already talking to you. I don't know if it's a communication error or what but you tend to just bring people to rage.
I removed these posts so they didn't cause a public outrage. It's gotten over the top with you EZ, every week you've got another person pissed off beyond reason. Everytime we go back and look at the logs, you've started this nonsense. Our staff team is tired of dealing with it. And on top of that, the policy has ALWAYS been to send a PM to staff if you're having issues with someone and the VIP arn't taking care of it. It's getting out of hand. I really think you should consider not interacting with people who arn't already talking to you. I don't know if it's a communication error or what but you tend to just bring people to rage.
- Vip
- Posts: 132
- Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:48 am
- In Game Minecraft Name: DoctorScurvy
Re: Editted by Management
Without going into too specific detail, I'd just like to say that I was present for this - the entire cause of offence was one word, with no other context or surrounding similar argument between ez and silver (the main conversation was between silver and myself, to which ez interjected with a light insult of his own), and ez did not at they time react in any way other than to vaguely say he was brb writing a report. I am happy to discuss this further in a more private manner.