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Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:25 pm
by XlXDaltonXlX
Town Name: Noxus
What Kind of town is it?:
Noxus is a town for those that have been removed from their own towns a place where your past is not questioned and your future is open. A wretched hive of scum and villainy is how many view it. Others call it a place where the strong thrive and the weak are cast out. Those that live within Noxus call it a town more dangerous from threats on the inside. A place where murderers and psychopaths run rampant but are kept in line by the Noxian Guard. There is 1 penalty for all crimes within Noxus... Death and that penalty keeps people in line. Noxian's follow the laws, few they may be, and are productive in their own right the jobs are done and the town is kept running those that are visitors within Noxus find the town harsh and unlivable but for those that call it home... no better place exists. The Murderers and psychopaths that call this place home are free to leave and cause untold havoc outside Noxus's walls but within them the law is Death. Keeping the town defended from threats both inside and out is easy with all members of the town ready to kill or be killed. There is law and there are trials but there is 1 penalty.
Who is involved?
[1] XlXDaltonXlX
[2] Blindstorm
[3] Hobozillah
[4] Fuzzygreenhat
[5] Ephantom
[6] Explodingboxes

Re: Noxus

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:17 am
by Bane_of_Endermen
I would like to join noxus, i will take any trials as long as they are fair and possible in minecraft. Ihave good redstone skills as long as tactical combat, i am a brew master, i know every potion, i also have good potion to sword combat. i am currently working on getting my axes to 500 and my swords are at a rounded 450 i also have a tower that will be the ideal place to be in while at war, and your faction will get the largest faction floor. So i would love to be a member of noxus.

Sha-bla-goo! -Bane