Police Application

Read the rules.Apply to join the server, Follow the format, and fill it out.

Moderators: Fabeth, Korthic, Nicolu, caldrin, Explodingboxes

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Joined: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:25 am
In Game Minecraft Name: pres39

Police Application

Post by boomer39 »

How Long Have You Been On MCJ:
For a Few years
Postcount (At Time Of Application):
11:26 Pm
Real-Life Friends On Server:
Do you have Mumble? (If not why not):
I can download mumble, but right now my sound is not working. When I get it fixed I can get mumble.
Have you ever been jailed/banned? (If so, why/how many times):
I've been on for so long and I don't think I have, if i have it wasn't bad or i wouldn't be here :D
Do you like The Lion King:
I have not watched the movie for a very long time, So i will have to say no.

1. Assume you have the chance to replace one member of the staff team (Choices listed below). You may go straight from whatever rank you are right now, to completely replacing the user that you chose. Pick a member of the staff team, give three reasons why they are not fit for the job, one example of those reasons, and explain why you would be better suited for their position.
(Choices: Nicolu, Explodingboxes, Countypo, caldrin, Caldavas, Coolkid, Miniguns)[Inactivity is NOT a valid reason]
With replacing a staff member I would have to pass. I am not looking for a role as the high place in the staff team. I want to be a low member and be able to help and guide new members. All the staff members listed i have not seen anything that would require improvement so I could not come up with three things to do so.

2. Suppose that you're accepted for the Police application, and you share this with a close friend or sibling who also plays Minecraft. Unfortunately for you, that friend/sibling is a jerk, and logs into your account while you are not in the house. They then proceed to grief people, tpkill, jail tons of people, and cuss out the staff. You know that we punish players by the account on this server, and that the punishment will go directly to you. How do you choose to appeal this?
I don't give my password out and i understand the punishment for that. If that does happen i will accept the punishment because it is my account and i needed to keep it better protected. Even if it results in being ban.

3. A week after becoming Police and befriending some of the staff, you find out that Caldrin, Countypo, and TheDoleking are planning on faking a situation that would give them a reason to ban a user that they disliked on the server. This user is completely innocent, only being guilty of being annoying to the staff. You’re a new staff member and nobody really trusts you that much yet, and Caldrin/Countypo/TheDoleking are threatening to have you demoted and banned if you rat on them, and you have no evidence except for your word. How do you react to this situation?
I wouldn't let that go unless it has some meaning to it. I would have to tell someone no matter what.
I think it would just be down right unfair and wouldn't want to be apart of a staff team who would do something like that to players who enjoy the server and spent their time on it. I would try to tell someone or come up with evidence, I wouldn't try to get them in trouble i only want to secure the player on the server.

4. You have reason to believe someone is using a mod/client that allows them to Xray! How do you go about handing the situation? Do you confront them, if so, how? Do you wait and talk to a higher ranked staff member?
I would let the player know about what they are doing and at least give them some chance over it. If they are x-raying i would Temporarily jail them or punish them as a warning and if caught again it will progress to a bigger punishment.

5. Tell us why you'd like to be a Police on our server. What interests you most, and what do you expect to spend most your time doing?
If I become police, I don't think my playing style would change. I would help players who need it but will continue to play as a regular player. I would like to join the team and help with ideas to make the server more interesting or just to keep the server as peaceful as it is now.
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Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:05 pm
In Game Minecraft Name: guitarmaniac004
Location: Ireland, Meath

Re: Police Application

Post by guitarmaniac004 »

Boomer, please post your police application as a reply in this post here:

http://www.minecraftjunkie.com/forum/vi ... f=6&t=2880
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