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Long time no see

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 12:43 am
by Brandon539
Hey y’all, names Brandon. Im wholeheartedly surprised this server is still up and running! Kommy good job man.

I suppose im a newby now but I wanted to make a quick post cause im hella nostalgic right now.

Back in 2008-2011 I believe I spent many, many hours of my early teens playing on this server. Now it is actually over a decade since my first time playing on the server and my god I can't believe it.

I loved minecraft so much and I loved all the moments I had on this game. Droz, Korthic, weirdfreak, and many others gave me a seriously stellar time.

Im in an x ray program to start working in the hospital soon and its been tough. Needless to say fantasizing about easier times was inevitable. So I came up on here and wow, this account is still up and running and cool people are still running the show.

Tomorrow ill hop online to see the server, just in case any of my old friends are on I want to say, glad I had all those good times with you and ill try to get back on to relive those moments.

Kommy, Korthic, you guys are just absolutey amazing if you two are still the same ones keeping this server up and running. You kept a part of my childhood alive and I appreciate that.

Anyone on this server currently, stay on! Donate too possibly, this place houses some of my favorite memories from 10 years ago! Not to mention if is obviously the greatest minecraft server alive. That might be a subjective opinion but dont question it.

Alright, thats enough of a nostalgia trip for one night. I have to sleep for more finals studying but Ill get on eventually here. (God I hope Aspen is still alive)