At this point you should know how to look up your balance and how to pay directly to people. So now you would like to setup a shop to sell or buy items from people automatically, even without you being on the server. The easiest thing you can do is to setup a chest shop. It is basically a chest with items inside that you want to sell to users. You can also buy items from users for a set price. You are only limited by how much your chest can hold. Also, you can only sell/buy one type of item per chest. ****commands for getting into sell or buy mode changed::: new commands /chest sell or /chsell or /chest buy or /chbuy*****
This is how you do it:
1.Place your chest against a wall or column, so you can place a sign right above it on the wall.
2. Fill it up with a one type of item you want to sell . You can put any quantity starting with 1 and whatever the max chest can hold. If you just want to buy stuff from users, don’t put anything in it since you need space for the stuff you will be buying.
3. Place a sign on the wall above the chest and type this in:
<your IGN>
<amount of the item you are selling per buy> EX// 5
<price> it looks like this: B8:5S you would be selling them for 8$ and buying for 5$
<name/ID> for this you put the name of the item or its item ID
so as an example
That would be what is written on maxse123’s chest shop selling apples for 5$. He would also buy for 5$
If you do not want to buy back the item/object then you can leave the (5S) out
so like this:
You should get a confirmation message something like this: “Your chest shop was successfully created” . Also, if you do not want people peeking into your chest and stealing your stuff, lock it by using one of /lwc commands.
Selling price set to 0 – will result in no selling
Buying price set to 0 – will result in no buying
Pretty simple…. don’t forget to stop by once in a while and fill up your chest with more stuff to sell or pick stuff up if you were buying.
Next tutorial is How to create a local shop
Important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To use chest shops, just right click on the sign above it. By default all users are in buy mode. So every time you right click on the sign above chest shop you will buy the item. Now if you want to sell, just type in /chest sell or /chsell and it will change your status to sell mode.